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Project Check List

While flooring is our specialty at Sotheby Floors, it might not be yours...and that's OK! Our experts are ready to help, and we hope this handy project checklist will help you stay on track while tackling each and every step of your next home improvement project.

Undertaking any home improvement project requires hard work, careful planning, and an understanding of the process ahead. At Sotheby Floors, we do everything we can to help each customer plan accordingly. First, we will come up with a plan for your project. It often helps to look at your project in three stages: pre-project, during project, and post-project.

Aside from the furniture, you can make sure things go smoothly on installation day by taking care of the following beforehand:


  1. Remove all breakable items like vases, lamps, collectibles and heirlooms.
  2. Detach and store wiring from TVs, DVD players, stereos and computers.
  3. Clear desktops, tabletops, bookshelves, tops of dressers and closet floors.
  4. Remove all sheets, pillows, blankets and comforters from beds.
  5. Remove any wall art not securely fastened.
  1. If you will not be home during the installation, make arrangements with our office so the crew will have access to your home.
  2. Provide an area for the crew to store their tools and access to electrical power outlets.
  3. Call the office if you have any questions.
  4. Walk the job with the crew chief to make sure the work is done to your satisfaction while they are onsite.
  1. Carpet and new solid prefinished hardwood can be walked on the same day.
  2. Any glued down product (LVP, vinyl or engineered hardwood) is light traffic with socks only for 24 hours.
  3. Hand finished floors require no traffic on the final day. The day after completion, light traffic with socks only. Furniture should not be replaced for four days. No area rugs for two weeks.

Last but not least, it's important to be prepared for the unexpected. The more complex the project the more likely some things may be delayed. While we do everything we can to stick to the schedule, things happen. Keep this in mind when wanting to make a change mid-project. Changing the scope of work can create delays with material, trades and scheduling. Please be patient!

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